Ethics and compliance

To gain the Trust of our partners, ethics and compliance are key.
“We are all committed to doing business the right way, making the right choices and holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards. ”
Arthur Nicolet, CEO of Transdev Canada
As a mobility leader in Canada and around the world, we must be exemplary in ethics and compliance.
Therefore, to protect ourselves and others, we provide everyone, employees and stakeholders, the means to act effectively.

An alert system which guarantees protection
Committed to ethics and compliance in all its professional and commercial relations, Transdev has deployed a management system in each of the Group’s countries that enables employees to know ”how to correctly proceed”.
It includes a whistleblowing system which gives employees and external stakeholders the opportunity to report a compliance problem related to the Group (harassment, corruption, abuse, environmental damage, etc.).
Access to this reporting system is available through the SpeakUp® platform, a simple and secure reporting solution which allows information to be sent anonymously.
To access the Whistleblowing system click here
Our ethics and compliance standards
At Transdev, we develop mobility solutions which aim to simplify people’s mobility. Our purpose is to empower freedom to move every day thanks to safe, reliable, and innovative solutions that serve the common good. This places us at the heart of everyday life in territories. It makes us a key player committed to serving the common good, general interests, developing local services and protecting the environment.
Transdev performs these tasks relying on its tens of thousands of employees who, at all-time and anywhere in the world, act and make decisions in accordance with strong ethical principles.
These individual but shared principles, in line with our values, complying with the recommendations of our shareholders and with guidelines to which Transdev subscribes, such as the Global Compact, shape the Group’s image and contribute to the relationship of trust built with our various partners.
Whatever our position in the company, we must keep them in mind and apply them every day, to help us in our choices and to ensure consistency in our actions and words.
Code of Business Conduct
All members of Transdev respect and follow the highest ethical principles to meet the expectations of our customers, shareholders, employees, and the communities we serve. Regardless of our position in the company, we integrate our core principles and values into our daily actions.
Code of ethics
Our ethical principles reflect our commitment and the Group’s undertakings to all stakeholders. They also convey all the values that make Transdev a passionate, committed Group, and a high-performing reliable partner.
Each of our values - passion, commitment, performance and partnership - include principles that we apply naturally, and to which the Group regularly commits to.
Anti-Corruption Money laundering and Financing terrorism code
We are committed to fight against any kind of corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing, and have adopted a zero tolerance policy towards those risks.
The purpose of our ACMF code of conduct is to provide all internal and external stakeholders with clear definitions, rules and guidelines on the different ways to prevent corruption, in order to help them to “correctly proceed”.
Human Rights Group Statement
Transdev mission is to empower freedom to move for everyone every day. This places us at the heart of everyday life in territories. It makes us a key player committed to serving general interests, developing local services and protecting the environment. Because we are people serving people, we are committed to protect human rights in our activities, in all relations with our stakeholders.
Pay Transparency report, British Columbia – Download PDF