Our expertise: the ability to combine flexibility and high passenger capacity
Inspired by the high capacity express line transport models in North and South America, the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) offers an innovative alternative to conventional bus and tramway transport solutions. BRT vehicles use dedicated bus lanes that offer greater passenger capacity than conventional bus transport solutions. As such, this system addresses three priorities, namely:
- bus frequency, speed and modularity, and a range of timetables: to promote the use of public transport;
- maximum comfort, optimised customer information and guaranteed accessibility: to improve the passenger experience;
- high capacity, eco-driving, use of electric and green vehicles: for more sustainable mobility.
Using our expertise for urban enhancement
As the forerunner in France with the TEOR East-West Transport System in Rouen, we develop customised solutions that can be integrated into existing transport networks and adapted to meet the specific requirements of each local authority (size of population base, short and long term needs, desired level of investment, etc.) With BRT, we enhance urban centres such as Bogota, Nantes and the greater Paris region by creating decongested, cleaner and revitalised cities.
Portfolio of expertise Bus rapid transit
DownloadOptimised solutions for you
Our offers are tailored to provide specific solutions to meet all transport needs. We analyse these needs to provide our clients with the best possible solution. Thanks to our global cost strategy from project launch to implementation, we are able to optimise your investment capacities in line with your performance targets. We accompany our customers throughout all the stages of their projects by optimising the use of their network and the quality of passenger care and services.
High-end BRT System in Rouen
To create the bus of the future, we have introduced a range of innovations in our BRTS network in Rouen. These include:
- an optical navigation system;
- intersection design with priority traffic light systems;
- use of bio-fuels.

The Nantes TAN network: a wide range of solutions.
Fully integrated into the Nantes transport network, BusWay® and Chronobus are efficient transport solutions that offer passengers dynamic information systems and high-end services that provide.
Bogota: a city reinvented
In Bogota, which is one of the most congested cites in the world, BRTS has triggered a true revolution in public transport by offering passengers more in terms of capacity, rapidity, safety, information and services. This innovative transport system has also sparked the renovation of urban spaces.