Attract, develop and retain talents

Attracting and retaining talent is a key challenge. Despite the difficulties created by the crisis, Transdev has strengthened its commitment in communities to attracting candidates to our professions.
Providing access to employment and training and meeting recruitment needs
In France, the Académie by Transdev was launched in September 2020 to train a new generation of drivers. Our goal is to have 250 apprentices by 2022 and then over 500 apprentices per year as of 2023. Transdev is committed to providing access to mobility jobs by offering apprenticeships. The Académie by Transdev works in each area it operates at improving the inclusion of people with low employability.
In the Netherlands, the application of social return on investment (SROI) criteria in public contracts (procurement or calls for tender) is aimed primarily at providing greater opportunities for persons with low employability. The performance of companies operating public services is measured on a scale of 1 to 4. In 2020, Transdev’s first rating on this scale placed it at the second level, and it aims to reach the highest level within the next three years.
In 2022, the initiatives taken for our Irish employees were also recognised in Ireland, where Transdev Dublin Light Rail (TDLR) was awarded the KeepWellTM label by Ibec – Ireland’s leading employers’ confederation. This award recognises the work that employers do to keep employees healthy in the workplace.

Transdev Canada has achieved Great Place to Work® (GPTW) certification. This certification is based on a rigorous, anonymous and confidential direct survey of all employees and is conducted independently by GPTW Canada.

In Australia, in connection with our Reconciliation Plan, Transdev forges strong partnerships with local aboriginal employment services and industry leaders to address the inequalities faced by aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
Strengthen the attractiveness of our businesses
Attracting and retaining talent is a major challenge for Transdev. This is why we invest in the attractiveness of our professions and in the promotion of our company, by setting up dedicated programmes, such as “Drivers@Transdev”. Indeed, we are faced with a shortage of drivers worldwide and a demographic imbalance within the driver population: 53% of our drivers are over 50 and will retire in the next 10 to 15 years.
As part of the Drivers@transdev program, an international taskforce made up of HR and operations representatives from 9 Transdev countries is mobilized to support and advise subsidiaries on issues of job attractiveness, work flexibility, retention and commitment. A digital platform, enriched since the creation of the program, provides access to all the best practices implemented in the regions where we operate. Transdev invests in training, in supporting teams at all levels, in developing the company’s image and appeal, and in strengthening our technical and managerial skills.
Women Leaders
This program, which was launched in France in 2020, seeks to develop a pool of talent that will occupy key positions in the organization in the future. It is aimed at women who have the goal of becoming network managers, and targets both external and internal hires. For this purpose, the program offers specific support tailored to operational positions. In 2021, seven women already joined the program.

Developing the potential of all our employees
The development of each individual’s talents is a key challenge for the Group’s performance and employee motivation. The Group has set up a variety of processes (annual interviews, evaluations based on the we@transdev management model, career interviews, people reviews, ongoing discussions and succession plans), all of which are supported by the me@transdev tool.
In conjunction with the countries, the Group deploys and coordinates the processes dedicated to talent management for the Group’s 500 top managers. Our goal is to deploy these processes to 100% of our top
managers. The Group’s processes are adopted and applied within the subsidiaries for all employees.
The indicator the Group monitors is the percentage of annual interviews conducted by the Group’s top managers and top executives. In 2021, 78.7% of employees had an annual interview. In 2020, we reached a rate of 89.3%.
Providing support for career paths
Our intention is to develop individual skills, enable continuous learning and update our ways of working, through our learning approach. It is a key lever for sharing and strengthening the company culture.
The learning approach is linked to Talent Management. The development and learning plans are adapted to the specific needs of each of the Group’s countries according to specific needs.
In 2022, new resources were made available on the platform and cover the themes of collaboration, management and distance learning, conducting meetings and the proper use of digital tools. Our objective is to enable all our employees to benefit from at least one training course per year.
By 2022, 83.9% of Group employees had received training. Our countries have continued to deploy we@transdev, our Group management model, which also governs the Group’s integration and Learning & Development programmes (“In’Pulse”, “Trans’Lead”, “Trans’Days”).
Encouraging international mobility
To ensure our operations have the skills they need, meet the demands of our clients and take into account the career aspirations of our employees based on their skills, the Group deploys policies and systems with an international outlook.
This approach, which is aimed at all employees who have the desire, ambition or possibility of pursuing an international career, is based on three focuses:
- Managing the international mobility of our employees;
- Building a pool of young talent with an international dimension;
- Enabling our expertise to be mobilised where and when it is required.
The Group’s e-Team system allows us to mobilise our expertise, where and when it is needed. This system maps our internal experts in 27 identified areas of expertise. Employees can position themselves and declare their expertise, then indicate their availability to contribute to specific expert support projects. Selected for their expertise and their willingness to cooperate and validated by the channel referent, the Group experts join the community of international experts of the Group mobilised to promote the mobility solutions offered by Transdev and to put these solutions at the service of our customers. In 2022, 300 experts in more than 20 countries carried out nearly 180 assistance missions within the Group.